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2nd Version of Ulternix Records Special Promotion Program is now officially released    Read more...
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Final shots of Atlanteex music video were filmed in Brisbane    Read more...
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A Plea for Copyright Protection and Some Facts

Please read this text thoroughly. We hope it can affect the way you think about our activities!

Independence, Merits and Demerits

Our record company, 'Ulternix Records' is independent and is proud of that because it gives us freedom to create what we really like but it also has some consequences for us, because an independent record label does not have the full support of the media! All we can do is doing our best create high-quality music but it's not enough, so we really need your help as a listener of our products! In fact your help is vital for us!

Please Don't Share Our Productions....

If you happen to find one of Ulternix Records productions being shared on file sharing websites, please report it by via Ulternix Records contact form, and you will remain anonymous.
Ulternix warrants that our actions against this situation will be limited to asking the file sharing host to remove our files from their servers and we will NOT collect or use your details or the details of the person sharing the files for any purposes, even though we reserve the right for ourselves disable their accounts in our own website, if they are our members! We believe that we have already given away enough free music legally and we will be doing it in future as well, so please help us keeping our promise!

We absolutely know that you can simply use a free CD ripper to rip our CDs, a free archiver to zip/rar the MP3 versions and 'even' put a password for them, and as simply as a 'piece of cake', use a p2p file-sharing software or hundreds of file sharing websites to share our music. Believe it that we do really know it, but is it really fair? We have created the music that you like, unlike what big labels are "feeding" you with! Is this your gratitude and respect towards the fact that we shared the same "musical taste" with you and spent hundreds of hours to create new stuff!?

If you buy our stuff, "FOR SURE" we will not become millionaires but if you don't buy them, "FOR SURE" we'll have to close the business down and you will have to learn how to do with the commercial music of big labels! Is this really what you like? Don't you feel that it should be changed somehow!?

You Do Are Responsible!

Liking something brings responsibilities against it! If you really love the type of music that we create, it's your responsibility to try to save it and keep it alive because the music industry WILL NOT DO THAT! So why would you share it when you know it's going to kill it!?
That's why we have printed a logo on our CDs saying that "Sharing kills music; if you love it, buy it otherwise at least don't share it!".

And this is the only way to make people avoid sharing music, instead of technological advances like watermarking. By sharing the result of other's efforts, not only are you killing your beloved music, but also you're harming their creators commercially and you will pay back the price in some other ways, because it's simply quite unfair!

Special Promotion Program: Get Free Music Legally By Promoting Us, Why Sharing or Downloading Music Illegally?

Whenever the temptation of sharing our music comes into your mind, simply remember that we have designed a Special Promotion Program by which we have set you free of the hassles of ripping, zipping, uploading and wasting your precious time and bandwidth to upload our music on 3rd party servers and sharing the download links with your friends!
We simply let you download them absolutely free and legally from our own servers, if you just spend some time for us letting your friends know about us! Why would a mentally-OK person ignore this?
YES, all what we need you to do is to invite your friends to the program by Email; in fact we bargain your time and address book against free music, but with the difference that it's purely legal and moral!